Dr Craige Golding

PQQ – Strong Antioxidant and Memory Support

PQQ is a Strong Antioxidant and Memory Support. Benefits may include:

  • A reduction of antioxidants
  • Encourages new mitochondria growth
  • Protects existing mitochondria
  • Reduces effects of excitotoxicity in your brain cells




PQQ – Strong Antioxidant and Memory Support

Your mitochondria have their own DNA, so they can multiply independently of cellular division. PQQ is a nutrient that helps one make new mitochondria by acting as a Redox agent: meaning it is cable of reducing antioxidants and being recycled back into and active state.


PQQ improves Brain function in 5 major ways :

  1. PQQ triggers an aging brain to grow new mitochondria, the “power generators” your brain needs for better memory and clearer thinking.
  2. PQQ protects existing mitochondria in your brain cells by mopping up free radicals and reducing oxidative stress, hallmarks of memory loss.
  3. PQQ stimulates the production of nerve growth factor (NGF), which triggers the growth nerve cells in your brain for sharper thinking.
  4. PQQ reduces the dangerous effect of excitotoxicity in your brain cells. Excitotoxicity is when your brain’s neurons get overstimulated by toxic chemicals or electronic impulses. This overstimulation is linked to many types of age-related memory and cognitive problems.
  5. PQQ protects your brain from memory-robbing plaques.

Contains 30 capsules

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg